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Your stress, anxiety, and depression readings are all in the top third of our scoring spectrum. Each of these mood conditions affect each other. We will explain the relationship between these measures below.

Stress, emotionally, is the reaction to an immediate stressor or threat. We can feel stressed when confronted by people in our lives or due to a variety of other life and work situations. If this occurs frequently, or continuously, it is labeled it as "chronic". Stress initiates a number of physiological responses, such as the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is a stimulant that is responsible for waking us up in the morning, so it has a purpose. But a continuous flow of cortisol is like having battery acid in your veins - it has a corrosive effect on your vital organs, including the brain itself, where cortisol erodes the levels of certain neurochemicals that have an impact on mood.

Anxiety is the most common complaint reported in mental health clinics and by psychotherapists the world over. In simple terms anxiety is the "fear of a future event". It may be something as simple as an upcoming public speaking engagement or more complex such as the anxiety felt by soldiers scheduled to be shuttled into battle. Anxiety initiates the same physiological response as chronic stress, including the flow of stress hormones that have a corrosive effect on vital organs including the brain itself depleting certain neurochemicals that have an impact on your mood.

According to the World Health Organization, depression is the most debilitating condition humans can experience. Its ability to eliminate all enjoyment and motivation we have for the things in life that use to bring us joy impacts our relationships, our family dynamics and our work capabilities. Depression often comes on the heels of chronic stress or anxiety as we simply get tired of the fight and "surrender" to depression.

Based on your overall scores we suggest an urgent and immediate involvement in the MoodMD program. We will send you information regarding how to access the program in an upcoming email.

This is the perfect opportunity to use the MoodMD program you see at the bottom of this page.

You can start now with Evolving Yourself by clicking the button

You’re Eligible for Special, Early Bird Pricing!

The first step in the MoodMD program is to acquire one of our neurohormonal and DNA test kits.We are expanding across geographical areas to meet increasing demand and will be in your service area soon. We will send you an invitation to take advantage of special offers once our program is available in your neighborhood. We’ll also send you the latest news and updates along the way. Keep an eye on your inbox!

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